RC38 - Politics and Business

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26Aug 2022

Online conference: Unpacking Business and Development in Asia and The Pacific

Along with Research Committee 18, RC 38 is organizing an online conference. The general theme is Unpacking Business and Development in Asia and The Pacific, and it includes four panels:

  • Environment
  • Business, Economy & Labour
  • Technology & Infrastructure
  • Culture & Entertainment

The conference is free for IPSA members and graduate students. More information at https://www.ipsa.org/na/call-for-papers/international-business-national-policy-unpacking-business-and-development-asia


03Oct 2021

RC 38 in the 26th World Congress of Political Science

The 26th World Congress of Political Science took place in July 2021 through a digital platform. The Research Committee 38 organized seven panels with the following themes:

More information is available at https://wc2021.ipsa.org/wc/session/rc38-politics-and-business 

Buenos Aires will host the next World Congress (2023). Until there, we hope to continue to advance the research agenda on the interface between politics and business.


06Jul 2012

RC 38 Business Meeting in Madrid

Please note that the business meeting of RC 38 is scheduled for the Tuesday 10 July 1700-1845 in Tutorial 23 A. We will need to elect a new Chair, as I am ineligible, and committee. All positions are vacant. If anyone wishes to serve on the committee, please let me know at:


02Aug 2011

Panels Proposed for Madrid 2012, RC 38

RC 38 has proposed four panels for the IPSA Congress in Madrid in 2012:

Business and Sustainability 1 (convenor) This panel will review critically the challenges of the sustainable development agenda, in all its forms (environmental, economic, social and cultural), for business and the ways in which business actors have engaged with this agenda.

Business and Sustainability 2 (convenor) This panel will review critically the challenges of the sustainable development agenda, in all its forms (environmental, economic, social and cultural), for business and the ways in which business actors have engaged with this agenda.

Business Organisation Beyond the Nation-State (convenor) Globalisation has raised new challenges for business actors, requiring engagement with various kinds of supranational bodies, from economic integration organisations such as the European Union to the multilateral organisations of the United Nations. This panel will focus on the representation of interests in such arenas.

New Developments in Politics and Business (convenor) The Global Financial Crisis, following quickly a rapid period of globalisation, has raised new challenges for business politics, including those posed by countervailing groups. This panel will provide the opportunity to explore the responses of business actors to these contemporary challenges.

If you wish to propose s paper for any of these panels, please contact Aynsley Kellow, Chair RC 38 at: akellow@utas.edu.au

27Jul 2011

Konstanz Workshop Report

RC 38 (Politics and Business) Workshop in Konstanz

RC 38 held its mid-congress workshop at the University of Konstanz, Germany on 3-4 June 2011, and the theme of ‘Business and Sustainability’.

Volcker Schneider and Achim Lang were most generous hosts, and secured financial support from the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, which supported especially participation by graduate students. The venue, the Bischofsvilla on the banks of the very beginnings of the Rhine, was superb, especially as attendance for many of us necessitated a pleasant walk through the old city.

Papers were presented on various aspects of business engagement with sustainability: from its theoretical underpinnings to the economic, environmental, social and cultural aspects of sustainability. Presenters included Karsten Ronit (University of Copenhagen), Tony Porter, (McMaster University), Aynsley Kellow and Richard Eccleston (University of Tasmania), Claudius Wagemann (L'Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane), Wyn Grant (Warwick University), Volker Schneider, Achim Lang and Thomas Malang (Konstanz), Harvey Feigenbaum (George Washington), Nicole Helmerich (Freie Universität Berlin), and Rachel Barlow (Robert Gordon University).

The papers stimulated extensive discussion, and it was agreed that more issues had been raised than resolved, and that the RC should therefore continue the theme on to Madrid.

The Workshop concluded with an administrative session, with planning for the Madrid Congress and the future governance of the RC on the agenda. The former was assisted greatly by the presence of Wyn Grant, Program Chair for Madrid 2012.

Aynsley Kellow, Chair, RC 38.

11May 2011

Welcome to RC38 on Politics and Business

Research Committee 38 on Politics and Business

Chair: Aynsley Kellow, University of Tasmania

Contact: akellow@utas.edu.au

Secretary: Richard Eccleston, University of Tasmania

Contact: Richard.Eccleston@utas.edu.au

Committee: David Coen, University College London;

Stephen Fortescue, University of New South Wales;

Wyn Grant, University of Warwick;

Karsten Ronit, University of Copenhagen;

Douglas Webber, INSEAD;

Jonathan Westrup, Irish Management Institute.